Bec Young
Bec Young is a visual artist who seeks to inspire—and draw inspiration from—movements for justice and ecological wellness. She works primarily in printmaking, paper-cutting, illustration, and installation. Her practice also includes direct interactions within communities, empowering others, skill-sharing, and facilitating change. She is a member of the Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative and co-editor of Firebrands: Portraits from the Americas, an illustrated anthology of social change-makers.
In her own words:
“My goal is to contribute to the health and well-being of the planet and it's inhabitants. I aim to create, in the words of Jimmy Boggs, "revolutions of the mind and heart". As an empath, I'm stung by the incredible injustices of the world. As a creator, I'm drawn to make work that comments or empowers, that communicates feeling and action visually. As a process-oriented person, I value each step in a multi-faceted project, from visioning to completion. I began as a weaver - touching each thread, one at a time. I try to bring that same focus to my art-making process today, whether I'm cutting paper, rolling ink, or trying something new. I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute in the present to a world of justice, joy, and love.”
Learn more about Bec Young's art at